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Robot Blast

This project is about the development of a VR game that took over a year to be completed and fully functional. Right now the game is available to be played in a gaming center named VRMY that can be found in Estado de México at a mall named Sentura. You can play it along a functional special VR treadmill designed for the games of VRMY as well as a functional VR shotgun named Atenea. All of this weapons designed in the studio ELMI VR.

ROBOT BLAST is about an epic fight of a group of robots that want to get the most powerful source of the universe that can be found in a shiny orbe. This group of robots are willing to destroy each other to be the very best and most powerful beings.

I was in charge of making the character design of two of the four robots that took part of the history.

I worked on the design of two robot characters named Linx and Uxoid as well in the props and environment. Also I was in charge of the publicity created for Social Media.